
Sanskrit Hindi NEWSLETTER Volume VIII Issue V, December 2024 Download PDF
India & Germany Classroom NEWSLETTER Volume VIII, Issue IV, December 2024-25Download PDF
ATL & Environment Club NEWSLETTER Volume VIII, Issue III, September 2024-25Download PDF
CBSE Result  2023-24 NEWSLETTER Volume VIII,  Issue - II May 2024-25Download PDF

Each School has a number of publications like School Magazine, Souvenir, School Calendar, Diary, Teachers’ Handbook, Prospectus, Newsletters to provide synoptic account of School’s ongoing activities.

It is the School Magazine which fosters the creativity and inventiveness of Students, while at the same time raising awareness about the value of intellectual property.

It is fundamentally a literary magazine for students which is published annually, a mixture of News, Articles, Work pieces written by the students themselves.

It accepts original manuscripts by the students, widens their knowledge, develops power of writing and strengthens their imagination. Certainly, Young talents find their first exposure through this medium.

It is a quarterly publication of School’s Newsline. It provides essential information about the School at a regular interval of time and also gives recent account of the Events and Activities held in the different departments of the School. Each department gets space for highlighting its achievements and events and defines students’ experiences in the form of their articles and artistic work. It accommodates adequate coverage of the achievers and latest news. Many units have initiated e-magazine – an online window to creative expressions of students.

School Prospectus:
It is an elemental acquaintance about the School to the parents. It highlights the History, Vision, Mission, Motto, Infrastructure, Admission Procedure, Facilities, Fee Structure, Rules, Activities, School Timings and other important details at a glance. It serves as an insight into the School. Of late, most units have an online prospectus.

School Calendar:
The Schools publish it as an itinerary of their Events slated throughout the year. It gives insight to the Students and the Parent Community into School’s forthcoming events, competitions and examination schedules well in advance.

Thematically based, it is a well-defined platform for students to exhibit their artistic abilities in a creative way by gracing the basal page. Their extraordinaire work pieces are used as illustrations for the Calendar.
Besides these, there are several newsletters published by schools based on specific themes/events or commemorating a special occasion such as Silver Jubilee etc.

School Dairy:
It is an indispensable part of student’s School Life. Besides being a guidebook stating do’s and don’ts of the School, it enables them to maintain a record of their personal data, updates of the School, home assignments, leave status, time table, payment of fees, holidays, exam schedule, house system and much more. It importantly serves as an effective means of communication between school and parents.

Teacher’s Handbook:
It is information at a glance. It comprises useful information regarding School’s activities, duties and responsibilities of every teacher, exam schedules and rules of the School besides enunciating a code of conduct.




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