
1- The first official Alumni Association of BBPS, Rohini was formed on 21st January, 2017 in the school premises. The alumni members who had nominated their names for the post of Executive committee and the Batch Representatives were invited by the Director of the association. As per the bye laws, the members appointed were ratified by the Teacher Representative.

2- The first General Body Meeting of BBExSA, Rohini was conducted on 12th February, 2017 in the school premises. The agenda of the meeting comprised discussion of the Byelaws, finalization of logo, activities option for the academic calendar 2017-18. Thereafter, the members present participated in a friendly cricket match in the school premises.

3-The election of Alumni Association, BBPS Rohini was held on Saturday, 15th September, 2018 in the school premises. The previous committee of Alumni Association was dissolved on 1st September, 2018 and nominations were thereafter invited for the 2nd body of Core Committee and Batch Representatives. The agenda of the day included amendment to the by laws, Alumni Association, followed by Elections and General Body Meeting. The election procedure was supervised by the ex Vice President, Core Committee, Alumni Association, Mr. Rajan Gupta, as Overseer.

The newly elected Committee was addressed by the outgoing President, Mr. Kushagr Aggarwal, Vice President, Mr. Rajan Gupta and the school Principal, Ms. Geeta Gangwani. Thereafter the Core Committee deliberated on the important issues like creating a Directory (Data Generation) and planning their calendar of activities. The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks by the teacher Representative.

4- The Elections for the New Executive committee of BBexSA were  held 27TH March 2022 in the school premises. The old committee  members and the Nominees for various posts for the New  Executive committee were present. The Vice Principal and the  Alumni Teacher Representatives were also present. The elections of the new Executive Committee were conducted post wise with  the raise of the hands.

The newly elected Executive Committee includes the following  members.

PRESIDENT (DE - FACTO) – Mr. Rahul Gupta (Batch 2006)

VICE PRESIDENT – Mr. Rahul Gupta (Batch 2006) SECRETARY – Mr. Mayank Malhotra(Batch 2005)

JOINT SECRETARY – Mr. Himanshu Nagpal(Batch 2012) TREASURER – Mr. Kunal Gogia(Batch 2006)