Careers with BBPS



FSSAI has taken up a series of initiatives to transform India’s food safety and nutrition landscape by ensuring availability and consumption of safe food and healthy diets by its citizens. BBBPS, ROHINI  participated enthusiastically in the “Eat Right School programme “ which aims at creating awareness about food safety, nutrition & hygiene among school Children. A plethora of activities are woven in the curriculum to bring about a change in the community through children as powerful change agents. Since, food habits are developed early in life, adequate coverage of food and nutrition both in curriculum and extracurricular activities at the school level is essential.

The aim of the programme is to inculcate the habit of eating safe, eating healthy and eating sustainably through an interactive learning model.  This will enable school get certified as an “EAT RIGHT SCHOOL”

Grade9 BookletYellowbook1Yellowbook2
Grade 9 and 10 Booklet
Teachers handbook 


“When females support each other, incredible things happen.”

Project Athena under the aegis of Sisterhood Club, initiated by Team Sirona from Sirona Hygiene Pvt. Ltd., conducted the pilot session for girls of Class VIII of Bal Bharati Public School, Rohini on 17 April 2021. The moderators for the Session : Ms. Mahek Jangda, author of the book ‘Sometimes Ivory, Sometimes Sand’ & Young India Fellow at Ashoka University and Dr.Deeksha, M.D.Director, Medical Research & CSR, Sirona Hygiene Pvt. Ltd., shared their vision to contribute to empowerment of young girls by continual connectedness among the participants. The two hours virtual session comprising of 20 participants aimed at reinvigorating a sense of unity among all girls inspiring a sense of community where girls could share views and deliberate upon certain issues.

Commencing with an ice- breaking activity, the session progressed questioning the girls about their preparations for the session and their inhibitions of facing the camera. This was followed by creative presentation of thoughts on issues related to them but generally evaded in Indian families. Dr. Seema Chadha, T.G.T Hindi summed the thoughts beautifully in her self- composed poem ‘Mil Jaayenge Pankh Tumhe Bhi’.

Reiterating the need to express, Ms. Mahek encouraged the girls to weave a story based on the paintings presented by her. The rules of the activity manifested the perception of the Club- girls had to tag the fellow members and support them wherever required. The enthusiasm and ebullience of girls during the session was a testament to the success of the pilot session.


School Enterprise Challenge named “BIYA” was undertaken by students of classes XI. The main objective of this on-going program is to develop entrepreneurial and communication skills of students and to boost their confidence. After conducting a market survey, the students decided to make cloth-bags from old, donated clothes. Food stalls were put up in the school by the team of students and funds generated were used to hire sewing machines, a trainer and to buy accessories. The bags made by the students were sold to parents and teachers.

The students also participated in a Blog writing competition, explaining the activities undertaken by them in this project.

The project chosen is in accordance with the Sustainable Development goals of UN-Responsible consumption and Production

DEAR Programme : A special reading programme is run by Library in which two zero periods every month are dedicated to reading in the Primary Department.

JEP Programme : Bal Bharati Public School, Rohini in its list of endeavours has launched a new initiative called the JEP project . The Just in English Please project has been launched to hone the spoken, written and creative skills of our students. A clear lucid language always impress people and makes conversation easy for all. A marked improvement in the usage of language has already been noticed.

Mobile Labs for Primary classes for Science and Math : A mobile trolley labs have been created by the Science and Math faculty to encourage experiential learning at primary level.

Alumni Interaction : The alumni members engaged in different conventional and unconventional professions are invited in the school to address the senior students and discuss personality and professional related issues.

Self Appraisal form of Students : Each student is required to fill a self appraisal form in which they not only assess their own skills and attitudes but also set targets for the coming session. This form is analysed by the class teacher alongwith the school counselor.



State of the Art upcoming BBPS Rohini Campus at Sector 25