Notice Board

Code of conduct : Students




  1. Abide by India’s constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem. Obey the laws, rules & regulations in force, in the
  2. Be ready to serve and sacrifice for the country when
  3. Contribute towards harmony and fraternal spirit amongst all Indians regardless of caste, creed , language or
  4. Firmly believe that in a democratic country like ours, women are to be treated as equals and with respect for their rights and dignity. The practice of dowry, child marriage and girl discrimination should be renounced and
  5. Safeguard public property and abjure
  6. Do your work sincerely and
  7. Strive towards excellence so that the country becomes strong, prosperous and commands respect in the comity of




  1. Respect the rights, dignity and feelings of others. Wait for your turn, do not jump the queue, wait to be served; be courteous and polite; refrain from rowdy or disruptive behavior in public.
  2. Do not disturb your neighbours by playing loud music or honking or encroaching upon their freedom & space by blocking their driveway & parking
  3. Water and electricity are scarce. Switch off electric fan, tubelight, TV, computer and turn off the water tap when not in
  4. Do not throw litter around or in the Use garbage bins instead.
  5. Help the poor, the underprivileged and the physically handicapped or mentally challenged in whatever way you can.




DO’s -


1. Wear I-Card. It is mandatory.
2. Report to school as per schedule shared and in proper school uniform. Be punctual & regular.
3. Stay at home if you are suffering from ailments like seasonal flu, respiratory symptoms, or any other vulnerability.
4. Inform the support staff deputed outside the washroom in case the soap solution has been consumed and the bottle is empty or if there is any other reporting matter.
5. Carry soap strips for emergency.
6. Carry two clean cloth towels or disposable paper towel and use it as per requirement.
7. While in school, follow the instructions given by the teachers and the maintenance staff.
8. Carry lunch and a water bottle.
9. Follow proper etiquettes while sneezing and coughing.
10. Strictly adhere to the seating plan in the classroom.
11. Remain in the classroom during the recess time.
12. In case of any emergency, contact your teacher for support.

13. Come to school clean, well groomed and in proper uniform.

14. Be regular and punctual .

15. Attend morning assembly without

16. Be fair and honest at work, always be considerate of the rights of others and be a good sportsman.

17. Be courteous and respectful to peers, parents, teachers and

18. Look after the property of the school, and help to keep it clean

19. Keep your classroom clean

20. Switch off the fans and lights when not in use

21. Conserve

22. Be compassionate


DON’Ts -


1. Students should not leave their allotted classroom and allotted seat even during recess.
2. Unnecessary movement in the corridors and gathering must be avoided.
3. While using the washroom, students should be careful not to stay unnecessarily longer in the washroom.
4. Do not carry any extra study material other than what is required as per the timetable.

5. Report to school before 7:15 am in the morning.

6. Bring articles of value such as pieces of jewellery or cash, camera, iPad or other electronic items like mobile phones to school.

7. Bring prohibited items like guns, knives, explosives, firecrackers, pepper spray and other irritant sprays.

18. Indulge in any form of vandalism

19. Disfigure or damage any school property.

20. Absent yourself from school without written 75% attendance is the minimum requirement.

21. Be rowdy/rude or use any form of violence

22. Misbehave with peers, teachers or any other employee of the school

23. Bully/Intimidate

24. Disturb classes

25. Discriminate on the basis of caste/community/colour/gender/linguistic

26. Disobey lawful orders of the Teacher/Vice-Principal/HM.

27. Steal/pilferage school/student’s belongings

28. Be in possession or under influence of any illegal item.

29. Indulge in acts of immoral and insensitive behaviors such as use of profane language, exchange of sexually explicit matter etc.

30. Indulge in emotionally disturbing or abusive behaviour.




  • Do not leave any task
  • Strive for excellence in all Set high but realistic goals and ideals for yourself.
  • Keep off Don’t succumb to temptations or peer pressure.

Please fill the attached google form to give undertaking with respect to Code of Conduct for students’ policy of BBPS Rohini.


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